“True Buccaneers Are We”
“We’re the scurviest of scalliwags to sail the seven seas
We’re treacherous and lecherous and likely full of fleas
Swashbuckling bonanza and I’m sure you will agree
By crook of the hook
By black of the beard
True Buccaneers Are We!!
Be barnacles be Brigadieres be castaways on land
A pirate crew is clever true with treasure close at hand
Come one come all the cannon calls adventure out at sea
By swab ‘a the deck
By walk ‘a the plank
True Buccaneers Are We!!
But when the tides are still a foggy mist upon the blue
A pirate’s knees will knock not knowing whence or what to do
The Captain shouts “Now come about the bravest shall advance!
There’s treasure though the mist out there
To fill your under pants”
Hoist the sail hold fast the rail ye barnacles and fleas
Come one come all the cannon calls adventure out at sea
Raise the Jolly Roger and I’m sure you will agree
By crook of the hook
By black of the beard
By swab ‘a the deck
By walk ‘a the plank
Avast ye Mateys me Harties me lads
Blow me down saltee me old scallywags
Hornswaggle, ye lubbers, all hands to the sea
True Buccaneers Are We!!”